The Dormston Centre

The Dormston Centre

Exercise Energise Socialise Educate

Olivia With a Twist

Sunday 27th February 2022
Dormston Mill Theatre, Sedgley
Olivia With a Twist

The project has been launched to tackle loneliness in the local community with special attention focused on individuals aged 50+. The work with also aim to highlight and offer information around the subject of illegal money lenders and loan sharks. We aspire to write, produce and present a piece of theatre for the community and provide support and learning for individuals affected by its message.

The provision hopes to build a unique sense of pride to local people and the acknowledgment and understanding of our local geography, as all productions, shows and workshops are run and performed locally in places of historical importance or places of interest.

The project was established with the initial funding from Dudley Council and their Older People Fund to tackle loneliness and isolation with special attention to those over the age of 50. With 80% of our community cast aged 50 or above we have passionately crusaded this element and utilised younger performers where creatively demanded.

We used this funding to build a piece of theatre for the Black Country community, which utilises and all female and non binary cast to tell a reimagined Oliver Twist entitled ‘Olivier with a Twist’. The new writing dissolves gender stereotypes, explores friendships and increases understanding about healthy, unhealthy and toxic relationships. We then partnered with the Illegal Money Lending Team to highlight the exploitation in financial deprivation themes the play toils with.

As the play unfolds, we meet the individuals who intern exploit and abuse their positions, how they escape accountability for their actions and all contribute in the demise of innocence in Olivia.

We have established a cast of up to 20 local actors, providing them a chance to engage within the community at a grass roots level, spread the Loan shark message and doing so form a sense of identity and belonging in our community.

We aim to challenge the perception of abuse and highlight the manner in which abusers can camouflage their behavior. All human beings can benefit from witnessing this process but the openness and accessibility of characters and their positions in our lives and society will be a tale of positivity rather than gloom especially for the female identifying audiences. We aspire then to highlight abuse, provide safe spaces to explore options and discussions around the themes raised and leave a legacy of support and optimism in our audiences and communities to last a life time.

CALL 07521 909018 FOR TICKETS


Date Time
Sunday 27th February 2022 1:00 PM
Sunday 27th February 2022 3:00 PM